Pregnant after IF

Looking for RE recommendations...

DH and I are thinking about breaking up with our RE.  Looking for RE recommendations in the Los Angeles area.  TIA.
2nd ectopic resulted in loss of tube. HSG revealed remaining tube is "severely torqued".
IVF #1: ER 03/29/10; ET 04/01/10: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 (9dp3dt)- 45; Beta #2 (11dp3dt)- 91= BFP
FET#1: ET 04/18/12: transferred 4 embies; Beta #1: >2 = BFN
IVF #2: ER 06/20/12; ET 6/25/12: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 on 7/5/12= BFN
8/16: hysteroscopy for polyp removal
11/11: hysteroscopy #2 for yet another polyp removal
FET#2: ET 12/15/12: transferred 3 embies; Beta #1 (9dp5dt): 12/24/12: 426; Beta #2 (11dp5dt): 845= BFP
u/s 1/9= triplets!; miscarried all three on 1/10/13


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