Pregnant after IF

A little bummed

I had an appt today and the doc did a cervical check. I'm not dilated at all. I know it doesn't really mean anything, but I went to 41 weeks with DS and had started dilating at this point with him. I was really hoping to not go that late. DH keeps reminding me it's not a big deal as long as LO is healthy. He's absolutely right, but it's just hard at this point. I'm up every night with painful contractions that aren't even doing anything. Ok, vent over.
dx homozygous for 3 thrombophilias, poor egg quality, and most likely autoimmune problem. Anything I'm missing?
5 miscarriages, 1 exception DS born 4/10
TTC another miracle
3 failed cycles of clomid, 2 failed cycles of injectables, moving on to IVF 8/12
ER 8/20 22 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 2 transferred, 9 frozen
Beta #1=302 Beta #2=700 Please be a sticky baby!
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