Pregnant after IF

Where did you buy your doppler?

For those who have a Doppler and are 1st tri/2nd tri...where did you buy it and what has been your experience? I am having a hard time finding one that isn't recommended for 3rd tri.

My OB is very weary of dopplers, but we heard the HB on Thursday for the 1st time and it was amazing and so reassuring. She found it right away, so I am not super worried about that. I feel like its the only way I can stay sane during the 4 week wait between appointments.


**TTC #1 since Sep 2009** Me: 31 DH: 29 (healthy, SA = normal)

DX (May 2010) = Lap #1 showed Stage I-II endometriosis. HSG normal. Tx with 6 mo Lupron (which did nothing...) Lap #2 June 2011 to remove endo, uterine fibroid, and polyp

IUI #1-#3 (July-Sep 2011): All Clomid 50 mg + unmonitored IUI = All BFN

October 2011 - April 2012: Outta $$$ (no insurance coverage) = back to tryin' on our own

May 2012 - August 2012: Mental break from trying

October 2012: New OB. Bloodwork normal aside from slightly low progesterone

November 2012: IUI #4: Letrozole 2.5 mg + Novarel trigger + monitored IUI + progesterone = BFN

IVF #1: Long Lupron Protocol,Menopur,Follistim, ER = 2/12/13 27R/26M/23F

2/17/13 Transferred 1 perfect Grade 1 blast. 17 frostbabies.

HPT 7dp5dt: BFP!!! Beta #1 9dp5dt: 108 Beta #2 11dp5dt: 368

U/S #1 3/21:

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