Pregnant after IF

Intro and crazy first ultrasound

Hi everyone,

For those of you who don't know me, I've been posting on IF and IFV for a couple of years.  I'd been waiting to intro until our first ultrasound, which happened today at 7 weeks.  

We transferred one 5-day blast on March 27.  Because we are not near a quality NICU or MFM, and we were really worried about the risks of twins, we opted to just transfer one embryo, especially since we had one good quality one at 5 days.

I had a little bit of bleeding over the weekend, and I was pretty scared for today's ultrasound.  Well, we found TWO babies with heartbeats.  They were measuring at 6 weeks 2 days and 6 weeks 5 days with heartbeats of 122 and 136.  So apparently, despite all of our careful thought that went into just transferring one embryo, it split and I'm currently pregnant with identical twins.  There were two yolk sacs, so hopefully this means they will have two amniotic sacs.

I'm still in complete shock!  

Married 8/2008. Planning IVF with PGD March 2013.
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