Pregnant after IF

"I do not have good news for you."

I think that is about the last thing you want to hear out of your RE's mouth during an u/s. I honestly thought she was kidding for a second. 

Looks like the baby stopped growing sometime last week and there is no longer a heartbeat. Even though I knew this could happen I think I am still in shock. I think I am going to opt for the d&c rather than just wait it out. I am ready to get it over with and just move on to the FET.

Can someone take over the 1st-tri check in??

I wish all you ladies luck and I hope to be back sometime soon.  

Me: 32 DH: 31 SA#1 low count (6mil) SA#2- low morph but now in IUI range!(30mil) Dx:MFI
Nov 1st- IUI#1 2 follies, 8mil BFN
Dec 1st- IUI#2 3 follies, 5.1mil BFN
Jan- IUI#3 3-5 follies, 9.3mil BFFN
1/21- start bcp for IVF#1. Long Lupron protocol.ER 3/8
TTC since Sept. 2011
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