Pregnant after IF

Last stretch before baby

We had our last shower yesterday.  DH's family is truly an amazing family.  It was so beautiful. 

As soon as we arrived at home, DH and SSs started clearing out the first floor and ripping out the carpet.  Hardwood floors are coming in this week.  Painter is coming tomorrow. 

Crib will arrive in about two weeks.  This week, I will order the remaining furniture. 

LO has SO many clothes that I think I need to add another clothing rod to her closet.  I need to buy her some jammies. 

Its crazy to actually see all of this coming together.  Very easily the entire nursery may be done by the end of the month!

together since 2006
full time stepmom to SS1 and SS2 since 2010
married since 2011

TTC since 7/2011 (no planned bc since 2008)
HSG 11/2011: one blocked tube
S/A 2/2012 and retest S/A 3/2012: normal
Bloodwork: normal
2nd HSG 5/2012: clear
Femara cycle 5mg #1 7/14/12 + IUI #1 7/23/12 = bfn
New RE appt 8/14/12
IVF #1 meds 8/30/12. ER 9/14/2012: 7 retrieved, 6 fertilized. ET 9/19/12: 1 perfect embryo 5dt.
Beta #1 BFP! 97
Beta #2 234
Beta #3 4937
ultrasound #1 heart beat 127
10/20/12 graduated!!!
EDD 6/7/12
Team PINK!!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

BabyFruit Ticker
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