Pregnant after IF

Anyone else??

I'm almost 15 weeks and I can't shake off his anxiety!! We lost a twin at seven weeks and I've been hypersensitive since about losing this one too. I have zero reason to think anything is wrongno bleeding, spotting, cramping, etc. Last week at my appt we had to do u/s baby was hiding and the dr couldn't find the hb with the Doppler and I think that really effed with my head. The hb was lower than it had been 140, but tech assured me things looked great. My symptoms are fading and I an feeling better now that I'm in secobd tri and I know I should be enjoying this time. Why can't I shake this feeling of anxiety and that something will go wrong?? I don't think I'm the kind of person that can handle an athome Doppler, as I know I would freak out any time I couldn't find it. Any relaxation assistance would be appreciated!
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