Pregnant after IF

Just can't catch a break... (LONG)

MH and I joked that after all the trouble we had getting pregnant that pregnancy should be easy....but it just isn't turning out that way.  UGH.  What was supposed to be a quick growth/placenta check and glucose test today turned into a 3+ hour ordeal.

 Basically, my placenta hasn't moved and now looks like there may be a vein or something touching my cervix which means I pretty much have to have a c-section unless by some miracle it moves up and out of the way.

In addition to that, the u/s tech kept saying the baby was "small", "really small" or "very small."  They printed out a report, gave it to us, and we took it to my OB.  She asked what we knew about the u/s results and said that the baby was small and the placenta didn't move.  She confirmed all of this...and tossed out the term "IUGR."  At 28w1d, baby is in the 5th percentile and measuring just 2.1bs. In addition to confirming that a C-section is pretty much a given, she also said unless things change and baby gets closer to the 15-20th percentile, baby will enter the world via 37 weeks.

So, I'm going 2x/week for the next 3 weeks to have a BPP (biophysical profile) u/s done, and at the end of the 3 weeks, I'll go back to the MFM u/s place and have an in depth u/s done to see where we are and then we'll make some more decisions.   

If it isn't one thing it's another. 

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