Pregnant after IF

AW: NT Scan Today

OMG there is a real, live baby in me! Smile

My u/s today was so amazing so I just need to gush to you girls. Baby was wiggling, moving, and flailing it's arms and kicking it's legs. I'm so in love already. This was the first ultrasound I had where it actually looked and moved around like a real baby! It's just so crazy that I have this mini baby swimming around inside of me, unbeknownst to most people who don't even know that I'm pg yet!

All of my NT measurements are in the perfectly normal range, so I'm very happy. My A/S is scheduled for June 10, so it's going to be a long six weeks until I see our LO again. It can't get here fast enough!

TTC #1 since Oct 2009, Dx: Unexplained Infertility
HSG: Right tube all clear, left tube inconclusive
3 failed Clomid Cylces
4/5 lap revealed blocked left tube, but right tube is open
April/May- 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #1= CANCELLED left ovary ovulating
June 1- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #1 = BFN
June 28- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #2 =BFP!
7/12 Beta #1= 14 Beta #2= >5 Chemical Pregnancy :(
July-Nov long break to recover emotionally and financially
Nov 24- 100 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI #3= BFN
Jan 22- Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI# 4 = CANCELLED no response on right
IVF #1- Start stims 4/7, ER 4/20, 21R, 14F, 6 frosties, ET 4/25, 2 embryos transferred= BFN :(
FET #1- June 2012, Lurpon starts 5/27- CANCELLED
FET #1 take 2- August 2012, delayed until Sept-CANCELLED
FET #1 take 3- ET 10/11, 2 embryos transferred,= BFFN
FET #2- Transfer 12/4--Cancelled, no embies survived thaw :(
Next steps-- IVF #2 with new RE in March
HOLY SURPRISE BFP 2/15/13!!!! Beta 1- 286, Beta 2- 782, First Ultrasound 2/25- baby in uterus & all looks good!

BabyFruit Ticker

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