Pregnant after IF

Ugh...Another U/S

Had my FOURTH u/s today. My doctor has been on vacation since I got my bfp and hasn't done any of the u/s. He finally did this one (very quickly, I might add). Baby has a great heartbeat. It was obvious to me and the nurse that baby had grown a lot. But doctor couldn't get a measurement bigger than 6w5d. Blugh. 

Doc said that he could be measuring different from nurse, baby is positioned funny, and my ute is retroverted a bit. I'm very happy that the baby had a great heartbeat. It was a bit slow last week. And like I said, it was clear that he had grown a lot.

I go in for my FIFTH U/S on Monday. Doctor wants to make sure that growth is consistent. Any thoughts and prayers for a sticky baby are appreciated. Please oh please I am so done with TTC.  

Conceived DD after 15 cycles--- TTC #2 since 11/10---Me- Poor egg quality and supply---DH- Poor count and motility---2 rounds 75IU Follistim/IUI-BFN---5/12 150IU Follistim/IUI-Over-produced! Converted to IVF! 0 fertilized:( Rescue ICSI performed. 2 embryos transfered-BFN

---------Game Over---------

Moving on as a family of 3
Lou's Infertility News

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