Pregnant after IF

Eviction date obtained!! Joey is soon to be here!

So after last week's OB appt, which fell two days before my 40wk mark, I was a bit bummed because I still had very little progress when it came to getting closer to labor. My cervix wasn't even open enough for the nice OB with the itty bitty fingers to get one through! At the end of the appt she told me that they allow you to wait a week before making other plans (cue my concerns and pouting because I'm SO ready to meet my son). Well, fortunately... today was my weekly appt (now at 40wks and 4days) and they finally gave me an eviction date! Of course, I still have barely progressed towards labor although Joey is down and in position. I figure my body is just being stubborn because little man dropped almost 2 months ago! He's going to be a long baby... His head is down in my pelvic bone and his little booty is still up near my ribs; not to mention he has his little feet (honestly, they're big... Lol) tucked under him!

The plan: They have me scheduled to check into the hospital around 7:30PM Wed night to set me up with Cervadil (sp?) and possibly some Ambien to help me sleep through the night. Then, first thing Thursday morning they plan to start the Pitocin and get little Joey on his way out and into the world. I've cried three times already today because I still can't believe that I'm finally going to meet Joey in just a few day's time. It's like a dream, but I'm SO eager! I think I finally am seeing the light at the end of the forever lengthening IF tunnel.

 I hope that everyone else is doing well and that your little miracles are baking healthy or are already snuggling in your arms! I'll do my best to update when I can, but it probably won't be until after we have Joey back home since my family is more than likely going to smother me for a number of days. 

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