Pregnant after IF

2nd Ultrasound Tomorrow!

Ok so last week when I was 6 weeks exactly, I had my first Ultrasound. RE said that I was measuring at 5 weeks 5 days, and we couldn't yet see a heartbeat, however there was a gestational sac and a "beautiful" yolk sac present. RE was not at all concerned and basically said it would be a bonus if we did see the heartbeat last week. However both me and DH thought we saw something flickering on the screen! Who knows.. Anyway I am going back tomorrow for another look and I will be exactly 7 weeks.I am so nervous and I really hope that we can see that heartbeat tomorrow!! I hate dumb IF brain, even when my doctor who I trust tells me not to worry, of course I still do!! Oh and it doesn't help that my crinone spotting went away for over a week, and decided to come back this morning!! Its pretty muched stopped though Sorry this is rambling and its long, just have all this on my mind today!!
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