Pregnant after IF

AW: Nursery is ready!

I've been meaning to post photos for a while but wanted to share baby girl's nursery with you all! We hired Emer.son Gr.ey Des.igns to put together the design for it. She is amazing! I highly recommend her to any of you who are starting on your nursery and need some help! And she's very affordable. But anywho, she submitted the photos of our nursery to Pro.ject Nursery last week and we were named top nursery of the week! Here's a link...hopefully it works and you can check it out!

ETA: I have to brag on DH bc he did most of the work. He laid new wood floors in there and installed the board and batten which was tedious work! Just had to give him some kudos!!
Me 25, DH 32
MF (low motility)
Trying for baby #1 for 2 years
Began stims for IVF#1 7/21/12
ER 8/2/12 - 14 eggs retrieved, 12 mature and ICSI'd, 6 fertilized. ET 8/7 - 2 embies. Beta#1 8/17: 143! Beta#2 8/20: 590! Beta#3 8/22: 1,162! 1st US 9/4: one beautiful little bean with the best sounding HB I've ever heard!
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