Pregnant after IF

Early Ultrasound results?!?

I went on Monday for my first U/S at 5 wks 2 days. My husband and I finally concieved after over a year of trying on our first round of IUI. I feel so fortunate. However, at my first U/S apt, the tech told me I only have a 50% chance of it being viable because there was no yolk sac. She thought she saw a hint of something but couldn't be sure. this has been torture and my next apt isn't until Thursday. My betas have been more than doubling every 48 hrs and were 6940 on the day of my U/S.

My friend who goes to the same RE just had her first U/S at 5.1 weeks and they didnt see a yolk sac either but told her it was normal they were just checking for implantation. So why leave me with doubt?

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