Pregnant after IF

Femera vs. trying to naturally conceive after mc and DOR?

Hi ladies,

I haven't posted on this board before and I hope it is okay that I do. I need some advice about the options that I was given today and thought you would have some great advice. Here is my story:

I am 31 years old. Found out in November 2012 that I may have DOR (AMH=0.61 and FSH=11) and was referred immediately to an RE who wanted to start me on Femera right away. I was on birthcontrol for 10 years, but went off of it immediately after I finished my pack and waited for my test results (I wanted to do a genetic screening panel to make sure I wasn't a carrier for any of the major diseases before we started trying). While waiting I found out I was pregnant at the end of December. At our 9 week u/s we found that there wasn't a heartbeat and the baby stopped developing at 6 weeks and had a D&C procedure. The fetal chromosome testing came back as normal. Here is my delema:

- My OB/GYN is not concerned about my AMH and FSH levels and thinks that I can go on to have a full term healthy baby and should try again after one cycle.

 -My RE is saying that she is not surprised by my mc and thinks that there is a chance that the tissue analyzed was actually mine instead of the fetus' (I wasn't told if is was XX or XY tissue) and the mc could have happened because of chromosomal issues, but went undetected. She thinks that I am running out of time and will likely mc again and wants to put me on Femera once my cycles become regular again to increase my chances of ovulating a 'good' egg.   

Has anyone else been in a similar situation, or have any advice?

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