Pregnant after IF

Pregnant after infertility but still struggling with others' pregnancy news

Hi all. I'm wondering if what I am feeling is normal. I'm currently 28 weeks along with my first after ttc for 4 years and going through fertility treatments. I'm absolutely thrilled that we are pregnant but several people's pregnancy news has bothered me just like it did before I got pregnant. First a coworker who complained about trying to get pregnant for 8 months had her first in September and got pregnant for the second time in January already. Second, my sister in law who is 4 years younger than me and married for 3 months got pregnant by accident a month after going off birth control. She just told me today because she was worried about spotting and I helped her get in touch with my clinic to make sure everything was ok, which it was. She is 6 weeks along and only told her husband. I have to keepq the secret for the next 6 weeks and can't tell my husband, her brother. I'm struggling with this because though I am happy for her, I can't help be frustrated by she didn't want kids now and isn't ready to have them and here she gets pregnant just like that. Also, I know this sounds selfish but I can't help but feeling like now everyone is going to be focused on her (and we just had her wedding) when this is the most miraculous time in my life and I wanted to enjoy it without feeling resentful. I feel horrible for feeling this way and just wanted to know if it is normal that I wanted our pregnancy to be our focus after trying for so long and now we have to give that attention away to her. 
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