Pregnant after IF

Molly's Birth Story......LONG!

Hi Ladies.....

I've been itching to get back on here and post Molly's birth story and attempt a PIP, but as you can imagine things have been hectic.....

I captured many of the details in my original post, but the story goes like this;  I went to the dr. for my 39 week appointment on Friday, 3/29. I was 3.5 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced, my dr. also told me there was a good chance my water would break on it's own given the position of everything.....I had really been feeling good all things considered at this point, with the exception of some back pain.

I woke up Saturday morning with horrendous back pain. To the point of tears. As I got moving, it subsided. DH and I had a SUPER productive day and cleaned our entire house, and even walked about a mile and a half.  Around 5 - the back pain returned, and we debated calling  the on call dr. However, my rational was that they would not be able to do anything for me since I was not contracting.... As I told DH I can't push her out unless I am contracting.

That night we went to bed early. As soon as I turned the light off I started feeling tremendous pain again. I used the bathroom to feel a little extra gush and started to wonder if this was my water. A couple more gushes followed.....So I sat down and decided to give it a half hour..... I didn't even make it....About 10 min later I had my first contraction...... followed by another 7 min later. I woke up DH and called the on call dr - who instructed us to come in. We checked into the hospital at 1:20 AM, on Sunday 3/31.

I was doing OK when we got there. Some mininmal discomfort - and I immediately asked for the EPI. IT did not take long for things to rapidly intensify. It only took an hour for my epideryl to show up. However that hour was TOUGH.... The pain was unreal and I found myself throwing up through contractions...Ironically the anisthesiologist and I went to high school together - kind of awkward, but I could've cared less at this point.

Once I got the epi - I felt instant relief. DH settled into his bed, they surrounded me with pillows and I looked forward to catching a nap. Until 5 min later when I continued to have pain in one spot. They called the anisthesiologist back and by the time he got there I could not even talk I was so  uncomfortable..... With good reason - I was 9 CM. Unfortunately he couldn't do much to help me in fear we'd lose the effects all together.....Within 45 minutes it was go time and we were pushing.

This is when my daughter showed her stubborn streak. For the life of me I couldn't get her under my pubic (I think) bone.....Finallly after 3 hours I asked for the vacuum. Best decision I made - it took 3 rounds of pushing later, and out she came. It was totally and completely surreal. Easily the most amazing moment of my life. Miss Molly was born at 8:04 AM - weighing in at 8.5 lbs and 19.5 inches long. Our very own little Easter Bunny :)  9 days later and I am still floored at how quick my labor was!

Looking back - I am a little disheartened about the epi. It definetly didn't do what it was supposed to, and when they took it out - the nurse told me it wasn't all the way in - which is probably why that happened. Glad I'll be paying a pretty penny for that!

Also - I was THRILLED with my OB practice. While I didn't get my own dr. The one I got was fantastic. So supportive and yet realistic at the same time, and I felt like she spent a lot of time in the room with DH and I, rather than just jaunting in for the end..... I can't get over how exhausting it was to push her out. Granted I went all Saturday night with not a minute of sleep, still even my DH tells me how he honestly thought I was going to pass out of exhaustion at the end.

So far things are going really well. Molly is a great baby. She's taken to breast feeding nicely and even given me a few solid stretches of sleep. DH and I very quickly realized we needed a schedule, so I typically go to bed after her 9pmish feeding and handle all the night duty - then he gets up after her 6-7 AM feeding with her and I go back to bed. All things considered its working well.

My advice to all of you: If you're going to nurse - invest in nursing tanks. These things have been a godsend. Both in the hospital and at night at home. Also, I've been a little taken back with the recovery...... Can't get over how sore I am and to be blunt - how hard it is to get back into a normal pooping schedule (TMI I know!)

I will continue to lurk on this board, but for the most part can't wait to see you all on SAIF.......  I can't thank you ladies enough for all of your help and support over the past 9 months and wish everyone the best of luck through their pregnancies :) 

ETA - I can not for the life of me PIP :( (I think it's my computer being out of date.) If anyone wants to see a picture, feel free to PM me and I'll facebook friend you).... So bummed I can't get it :(

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