Pregnant after IF

Good news and not so good news

We had a follow up appointment yesterday with our MFM and baby girl is measuring perfectly on track and very active! I was so happy because my mom was able to be there with us and get to see for herself, and baby girl was being fairly cooperative. My mom was also relieved since two of my four nephews have enlarged heads and have some developmental issues, but baby girl is measuring 'classic' and perfectly normal. We tried to get some good 3D/4D shots but unfortunately she kept moving her arm in front of half her face, and then had the cord going across making her look like she had a mustache! haha They printed that one for us because it was so funny. They always tell us we're in for trouble since she's such an active baby during our scans haha Oh, and all of our genetic testing came back great! 

Unfortunately I STILL have cysts on my ovaries, and my left side actually got bigger instead of smaller. Its so frustrating. I thought they would have been gone for sure by now, not get bigger! They said if they continue to grow there's potential for surgical removal but I'm really hoping I can just ride it out.

It has been super nice having my mom around for a brief few days. There's been such a shopping marathon haha I keep telling her that DH and I do have money to buy things but she's just so happy for us that she wants to buy everything she comes across. It is safe to say the baby girl has a complete wardrobe for her first 3 months of life haha. She even started us on some diapers. It's been a very exciting couple of days!

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