Pregnant after IF

Back from 1st Ultrasound

The baby is measuring right on time at 6w3d and we got to see the beautiful flicker of the heartbeat! It was 100. It seems low but they said they want 100 or over so I am in the normal range. They didn't seem concerned so I am trying not to be. Just so happy to see it!

I go back for 1 more in 2 weeks and then I will be released. Crazy!

Me: 32 DH: 31 SA#1 low count (6mil) SA#2- low morph but now in IUI range!(30mil) Dx:MFI
Nov 1st- IUI#1 2 follies, 8mil BFN
Dec 1st- IUI#2 3 follies, 5.1mil BFN
Jan- IUI#3 3-5 follies, 9.3mil BFFN
1/21- start bcp for IVF#1. Long Lupron protocol.ER 3/8
TTC since Sept. 2011
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