Pregnant after IF

2nd U/S:(

I went in today, 6w3d, and we saw definite improvement from last week. There is a nice, plump yolk sac, but there was no heartbeat. I am devastated. 

I go back in two days. The nurse sounded positive, but I am not. She said that since this was a natural cycle, implantation might be a bit later than we think. But, we saw my daughter's heartbeat at 5w6d. I am just sick over this.

Does anyone have any positive stories for me?  

Conceived DD after 15 cycles--- TTC #2 since 11/10---Me- Poor egg quality and supply---DH- Poor count and motility---2 rounds 75IU Follistim/IUI-BFN---5/12 150IU Follistim/IUI-Over-produced! Converted to IVF! 0 fertilized:( Rescue ICSI performed. 2 embryos transfered-BFN

---------Game Over---------

Moving on as a family of 3
Lou's Infertility News

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