Pregnant after IF

2nd beta results and question

I got my 2nd beta results and they are 1342, that makes it a doubling time of 63 hours. I know that's within the range of 31-72 hours but I'm still a little nervous. Also, my progesterone dropped from 30 to 22, should I be concerned? 22 is still in the appropriate range.

I haven't talked to my Dr. yet, I was able to see my lab results online. I haven't felt anxious at all until today! :(

TTC since Nov 2010 met with RE in Feb 2012 Me: hysteroscopy and initial bloodwork all good! DH: SA great except morph 1.5% Trying to turn our family of 2 into a family of 3+ :) IUI#1 - 10/28, 50mg clomid/trigger = BFP! 12/12 1st Beta - 26, 12/14 2nd Beta - 20 C/P IUI#2 - 02/15, 100mg clomid/trigger + progesterone = BOFN (Big Ol' Fat Negative!!!) All welcome
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