Pregnant after IF

Maternity Leave/Future SAHMs?

1 more week of work for this lady! Cannot wait! My last day is Friday. I get 8 weeks of pay at 50%, then (because I'm a teacher) my pay will go back up to 100% for July, August, and September, through the end of my contract.

Thanks to DH and his awesome budgeting skills, I will be not be returning to work. I feel so blessed that I can be a SAHM. I will be working very part time (as an online assistant editor), but really only 15 hours/week. 

That being said, I'm very anxious about the change in routine. I am very social, I'll miss my co-workers. I know that while being a SAHM is something I want for myself and my family, it means a big change for my life.

For those of you who will not be returning to work after baby, how are you feeling about your decision? Any concerns? 

Me:28, DH:28 TTC Since 2009
dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.
IVF #1 4/21/12 - ended in c/p
IVF#2 8/1/12 BFP!
Grace Charlotte due 4/24/2013
7 snowbabies waiting!
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