Pregnant after IF

For those of you who took Crinone


Hope everyone is doing well!

Just a quick question. I stopped Crinone last Tueaday and I notice that it is still coming out it little clumps.

Has anyone else noticed this after stopping Crinone?

TTC # 1
Me: Hashimotos Disease, Elavated Prolactin, Uterine Polyps DH: SA good
12/11: HSG polyps found; 1/12: 1st apt with RE; 1/12: SHG: polyps confirmed, 2/12: diagnosed with Hashimotos, prescribed synthroid; Elevated prolactin, MRI clear, prescribed Dostinex; 2/12: hysteroscopy & D&C
3/2012 unmedicated cycle= BFN
4/2012 trigger + iui + endometrin=BFN
5/2012 Ovaries look "PCO-Like". Finally able to trigger on CD28. Trigger + TI + Endometrin = BFN
6/2012 Follistim + Trigger + iui = BFN
7/2012 Follistim + Trigger + iui = BFN
Unmedicated cycles 8/2012 & 9/2012=BFN
10/2012 IVF#1 = BFP 9dp3dt Beta=20, 14dp3dt Beta=9 C/P
IVF#2 Estrogen Priming Protocol beginning 1/14/2013
Beta 7dp5dt 117, Beta 9dp5dt 223, Beta 12dp5dt 583
1st Ultrasound 2/28 showed two yolk sacs! Next ultrasound 3/7
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