Pregnant after IF

Any TTC, IF, lurkers?

I didn't want to post this on my previous IF board because I know how hard tickers are. So if anyone is ttc and interested in a bottle of FertilAid for Men, please let me know. It is still sealed and expires in 2015. My husband never used it and it runs close to $30 I believe, so if you are interested I will send it out for free. I just hate to throw it away!
Me:25 DH:34 TTC since 2006
PCOS,Endo,Insulin Resistance,Epilepsy,Hypothyroidism
2007:BBT & Clomid for months:BFN
2008:Laprascopy, reconstructed tubes,removed cysts &scar tissue
May 2008: Medicated cycle with Leterzole & trigger: BFN
Aug 2008: Two large cysts in ovary, started bcp to dissolve them
Oct 2008:Medicated cycle with Leterzole,trigger,progesterone:BFN
Jan 2009: IUI with Provera,Follistim and trigger= BFN
Sept 2009: Used Clear Blue Easy Monitor and ovulated.
Oct 12, 2009: BFP
Oct 26, 2009:Lost the gestational sack in my uterus by natural miscarriage.
Oct 27, 2009:Lost our baby that was 6 and 1/2 weeks in my fallopian tube along with tube by emergency surgery due to ectopic pregnancy.
Dec 2009: HSG done of remaining right tube and it is open.
Nov 2010: Huge cyst in ovary, started Nuva Ring then switched to Loestrin to stay on continuously until IVF.
Dec 4, 2012: Stopped Loestrin bcp
Dec 7, 2012:Start Orthocycline bcp
Dec 20, 2012: AF came on her on...
Dec 21, 2012: Sono/Saline Trial Transfer-Everything went great!
Jan 2, 2013: AF back. Continue bcp
Jan 3,2013: IVF Baseline Ultrasound! Ovaries look great! DH had another SA done.
Jan 8, 2013: Start 225 Follistim, 20 iu hcg daily
Jan 11,2013: Ultrasound=14 follicles SA Results:52 Mil!!!All else is Normal
Jan 12, 2013: Started Cetrotide(Sucks!!)
Jan 14,2013:U/S=17 Follicles
Jan 15, 2013: U/S=17 Follicles ranging from 12-18 dosage increased to 300 of Follistim.
Jan 16,2013:U/S-18 Follicles (1)21,(3)18s,17s,16s,and smaller. Fluid in right ovary. Trigger tonight at 8:30pm
Jan 18, 2013: Retrieval 6:30am- Retrieved 12 eggs!
Jan 19,2013: 8 Fertilized
Jan 21,2013: 6 going strong at 8 cell stage!
Jan 23, 2013: 4 blasts! 2 transferred 2 frozen.
Jan 28, 2013: Faint +bfp at 5dp5dt! OHSS getting bad
Jan 29, 2013: Beta at 6dp5dt:38!
Jan 30, 2013: Had to get drained 4 bottles drained from abdomen due to OHSS.
Feb 1, 2013: Beta 160! Drained 4 more bottles out again.
Feb 4, 2013: Had 2 & 1/2 more bottles of fluid drained. Finally starting to get better.
Feb 6, 2013: Fluid checkup and only two pockets of fluid left so I am getting better thank goodness! Ovaries are still huge so I have to take it easy.
Feb 14, 2013: It's twins! 2 Beautiful Heartbeats flickering!!! Babies even measured 1 day ahead!! So excited!
Feb 22,2013: Another U/S Both babies look perfect! Pregnancy Ticker
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