Pregnant after IF

Extreme Fatigue-need help!

This feeling of always being tired is kicking my butt!  I am going to bed earlier adn getting a good nights' sleep. I do wake up to go to the bathroom once or twice but i fall right back asleep.  By around lunch time i am really dragging, so i usually spend the first part of my 45 min lunch break eatting, then close my eyes for 15-20 minutes. 

That was helping in the begining, but now when i wake up, i am still very tired and have a hard time working. I have tried to just rest my eyes or not sleep but do something un-work related to just relax, but i still nod off!

In the whole day, i really only feel rested about the first 4-5 hours that im up. On the weekends i usually take a 1-2hr nap, but that obviously isn't possible at work! (work 7am-330pm Mon-Fri)  I know it will get better, hopefully, as i get closer to second trimester, but i'm really struggling with this now.

Any tips on how to battle fatigue?

4/12: HSG All Clear
5-1-12: DX of PCOS
5-4-12: DH S/A all normal.
5-16-12: Offically start IUI#1-->Clomid(50mg) + Trigger + IUI + progesterone supplements=BFN
IUI #2-same treatment-->BFN
July IUI#3-same treatment--->BFN
Aug 22, 2012-Laparoscopy Found/Removed extensive endometreosis.
September 2012-IUI #4-Same treatment as before. BFN
October 2012-forced break/Surgery to remove abnormal cells in left breast.
November 2012-First Injects Cycle (IUI #5)! 225IU Follistim CD 3-5, then monitoring appointment. 20+ follier & e2 >2000-Mild OHSS
December 2012-#2 Injects + IUI#6): Beta 1/18/13-BFN!
Jan 2013-Starting IVF!!! BC starts Jan 17/Lupron on Feb 13/Stims on Feb 18/ER on March 1 IVF Protocol: Lupron 10 units in am until stimms. Then 5 units of Lurpon in am, 150iu of Follistim and 1 unit of Menopur in pm. Holding dosage throughtout since response has been great. Thought we would be freeze all due to OHSS, but ended up getting more follicles then expected! 14 total!!! 12 mature and 11 fertilized. Dr calls for a 5 day transfer!! :) Will freeze remaining.
With Love & Strength, Hope Grows!
WHEN, not IF!!!
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