Pregnant after IF

First OB Appt today & recs (long)

The long awaited day finally arrived! My appointment with the OB was moved to today, 2 days closer than originally scheduled. We just had an ultrasound at the RE on Thursday so my crazy brain was nervous that it was too close to see anything "different" but it was certainly a different experience!

The doc spent about a half hour with me reviewing restrictions, diet and weight gain recommendations, and how often he'd like to see me. I thought this might be helpful info to share, because I was wondering what to expect for a while at my first OB appt. We are expecting fraternal twins in November and I have no risks other than the MTHFR C667t homozygous mutation for which I'm on Lovenox.


2000mg of Folic Acid daily (wow...I took 3 extra tabs of folic acid today)

1200mg Ca a day especially after 16 weeks (this will be hard for me, I don't get enough Ca for sure)

Weight gain expected: 35-45 lbs, with an extra 500-600 cals a day

Exercise: most restrictions from my OB lifted! It's important to stay active, and HR can go up to 160, no running or high impact activities though. Limit 60min cardio a day. I can handle that. Gym, here I come!

MTHFR: I have to see a hematologist. My RE put me on Lovenox but I have normal homocysteine levels, so my OB said it might not be necessary. Heme will settle the dispute.

Frequency of visits:  Every 2 weeks at OB, then peri for all screenings. Luckily, more times to see the babies. All good now, but when I'm huge and tired I'm not sure how I'll feel about it. :)

Vag vs. C: If both babies are in vertex, I have the opp to go for a vaginal. However, being the absolute terrified control freak that I am, I may opt for a scheduled C no matter what. The doc seemed to think it would allow me and him more control by having a scheduled C. I feel good about it and would really have to be talked out of it.

He also told me that I should be prepared around 28 weeks to slow down at work. He said it's not a must and he never does mandatory bed rest unless medically indicated, but I should be prepared just in case. I'm a nurse on a very busy floor and understand I will not be able to keep a frantic pace for this entire pregnancy. Or maybe I'll be lucky and won't have a problem at all!

Our little babies were measuring perfectly and I got to hear the HBs! That was a first, they never turned the sound on for us at our RE. I was sad my DH had to miss this appt due to work but brought him a lot of pics. 

Every appt is another milestone we reach, and couldn't be happier! I'm so happy I have you ladies and this board to share this all with :)

TTC #1 since 01/2011 Me: MTHFR C677t homozygous (on lovenox) DH: MFI (poor morph, counts, motility) Natural BFP #1: 05/2011, M/C @ 5 weeks RE consult 12/2011 01/2012 IUI cancelled d/t low sperm counts DH: 3 months clomid 02/2012-05/2012 NO improvement in SA 05/2012: IUI #1 with only 2 million post-wash...BFN 06/2012: IUI #2 100mg/50mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI 6 mil/4mil post-wash...BFN 07/2012: IUI #3 150/100mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI...BFN 02/2013: IVF#1 23follies/19mature/9fert with ICSI/2 A grade embies trans day5/4 B grade embies frozen. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 :) Praying for healthy and happy baby (or babies!) PAIF/SAIF welcome! IAmPregnant Ticker
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