Pregnant after IF

Graduation Day!!

Today I had my first US.  I was a nervous wreck walking in there, but I held it together.  The tech found everything that she was looking for and we got to see our bean's little heartbeat.  134 beats per minute!  I was in tears (and hubby was too)!

We met with our RE afterwards.  She was happy to announce that we graduated to a regular OB.  I'm going to miss her and my nurse.  They've been so great!  I am excited to go back to my OB though.  Haven't seen her since shortly after my ectopic.

Somehow it all feels more real today.  I am still concerned being in the 1st tri, but I am elated that we have reached this point! 

The Details: Me (34) Him (37) Married: 9.8.07**TTC: 12.2010 **Cycle 1: 50 mg Clomid TI = BFP Ectopic Dx @ 6w4d **Dx w/ PCOS **Cycle 2-5: 50-100 mg Clomid + TI = BFN 1x, No O 3x **Cycle 6: 75-150IU Gonal-F + Novarel + IUI on 9.11.12 - BFN **Sidelined due to cysts on R ovary ** Cycle 7: 112.5IU Gonal-F + Novarel + IUI on 11.21.12 - BFN
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