Pregnant after IF

1st OB Appt Yesterday

So I had my 1st OB appointment yesterday.  Everything went really well and our lil pumpkin looked great during the u/s.  The only thing that upset me was that I had to wait almost an hour in the exam room for my doc to come in.  Yes, the entire time I was naked covered in that thin paper sheet.  Luckily, DH was in there with me to keep me company.  Just wish they would have kept me in the waiting room and brought me back when he was actually ready for me.  Also, he had a student with him observing.  Awkward!!  He was really young...maybe 23-24 and it was just embarrassing.  But all in all, I am extremely lucky to have the OB I do.  Just to put my mind at ease through the rest of 1st Tri, he want to see me every 2 weeks.  It was even his idea, not mine.  Plus he's very gentle and took tons of time to answer all of my questions.  Can't wait for my next u/s in 2 weeks!
Happily married Since May 2008. TTC#1 Since May 2010.
Me: 29, Mild DOR
DH: 31, SE mostly normal, 1st SE morph 5%, 2nd SE morph 15%...yeah!.
BFP July 2011, Natural MC August 2011.
3 cycles of 50mg Clomid = BFN
*New RE* Feb/Mar 2012 100 mg Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
*3rd RE* April-June -Break Cycles begin prep for IVF by doing 2 Heparin injects fun!
IVF #1 - ER 7/19, ET 7/24, 2 beautiful embies transferred. Beta 8/2 = BFN
*New RE...yes again* FET Nov 2012 with our lone ranger = BFFN
RE Suggests Trying IUI Again, Jan. 2013 IUI #2 =BFN
Feb. 2013 IUI #3 = BFP!!!, Beta #1 (15dpIUI) = 90, Beta #2 (17dpIUI) = 210, U/S Scheduled for 3/18
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