August 2013 Moms

Constipation & Colace

Good morning ladies. Let me start by saying that a month or so ago when all the hemorrhoid posts were popping up I sat back with a smile on my face. I had struggled with hemorrhoids prior to pregnancy and hadn't had any issue at that point and was happy about it. Now the constipation fairy has come to visit, yay!

At my last appointment I mentioned having a hemorrhoid with slight bleeding every now and then.  OB wasn't concerned and recommended at stool softener, colace. Now, if you read my OB review post yesterday, this is the OB I was talking about. I didn't think to ask how long I should take Colace or how often. 

SO, has anyone taken stool softener during pregnancy? I've been for a week and i'm actually going now, but not sure how long I should take it. Any tips? 

Anniversary BabyFetus Ticker
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