August 2013 Moms



We had our A/S today and our little girl definitely has her daddy's personality...Stubborn lol She had her back towards the wand (like she was facing my back) and she had her legs curled up so her foot was blocking our view. The us tech tried wiggling my tummy and she wouldn't budge. We even tried emptying my bladder. So, the us tech said she'd let us see the doctor like planned and then she'd try again. Doctor said everything looks great and that he wants to do another us in 4 weeks because they weren't able to measure some things because of her leg position. As soon as we tried the us a second time you could clearly see she is girl : ) We spent about 2 hours in the office total. I'm so glad the staff was patient. Then my MIL and SIL bought our crib and mattress as a gift and we bought the matching dresser. It's finally getting more real. Now we have to come up with a name : )

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