August 2013 Moms

Want a puppy? Or a rainbow?

Warm fuzzies out!

But I like you guys. I like that we agree, I like that we disagree. Despite our differences I like being "in the trenches" with you guys. Thanks for being my interwebz friends. I love all our fun conversations, reading your gender posts, your UOs, your FFFCs and random dear diary posts. I love them all.

Unless you say something really flucking stupid and then we will tell you are being an asshat. But even if that happens we will all get over it and so will you and a new crazy will come along to grab the spotlight...such is bump life.

Ahhhh. Feel the love!

Okay. Group hug over. Excited to see what drama dramz tomorrow brings.
August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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