August 2013 Moms

OB office review

Has anyone else received a "how did your doctor do at a certain appointment?" survey? Our office cycles you through 4 doctors, one of which will deliver our baby. Thus far we've met 3, one we love, one who is okay, one we do not like so much. This is the second review I've gotten to fill out, the first being with teh doctor we love, this being with the one we aren't fond of. 

Here's my issue: the OB we're not fond of is habitually late. We saw her 3 times and 2/3 she had us waiting in the exam room for around an hour only to dash out after a short time compared to the other OB's. The survey specifically states which appointment i'm to reference in my review and of course it's the only one where she was on time. Am I wrong for being annoyed by this?

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