August 2013 Moms


Went to San Francisco for a day trip on Saturday, started having pretty intense abdominal and vag pain that stayed consistent to Sunday afternoon. It felt like I was being stabbed with a knife, the pain was so bad. I would've chalked it up to round ligament pain but the vaginal pain was so severe i couldnt walk, and it also gave me an odd sensation like I had to push. Ended up spending 8 hours in the ER last night, 3 rounds of pain meds for the pain to subside, and they told me they didn't know what the pain was coming from. They wanted me to spend the night to continue the pain management, but I opted out.  I feel fine this morning, just nauseas (I threw up a few times last night from the meds they gave me) I feel better knowing the baby is ok, but I'm wondering if this is just intense round ligament pain?  Are some women more sensitive to it than others?    I just moved to the area I'm in, so I haven't seen my new OB, but I have an appointment next Monday. We will see. 

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