August 2013 Moms

For those nervous about the A/S scan

Hey, ladies. I just wanted to share this. Last Thursday was my anatomy scan, and I spent weeks being absolutely terrified of all of the horrible things they could find wrong. Every night I dreamed about bleeding, Down's, trisomy, no heartbeat, just terrible, terrible things.

I talked with my sister, who is an OB, and she tried to reassure me that the chances were very, very small, and since the baby was still here (i.e., I hadn't miscarried), then everything was probably just fine. 

Fast-forward to the A/S scan -- my sister was right. Everything was absolutely fine. When they told me the baby was healthy, I was so relieved I could cry. When they told me it was a little boy, I did cry. :-)

I just wanted to post this, because when I was so scared, I tried searching the boards for stories of girls who were scared before the A/S (wanting positive reinforcement!). However, the only things I could find were from girls whose A/S hadn't happened yet, or they never reported back how things went. 

So if you haven't had your A/S yet and you're feeling scared, try to hang in there. Chances are, everything is going great and the baby is fine. At least, that was the case for this paranoid mommy! :-)

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