August 2013 Moms

A/S Swollen Kidneys

We went for our A/S on Friday.  From our first tri scan we had a 1/8000 chance of downs. So this week, they noticed that our baby has both kidneys enlarged.  The doctor told me this is a "soft indicator" of down syndrome and doubles our chances to 1/4000, which is still low. Baby also had some fluid outside of the heart which we will have to monitor.  We did the Maternity21 blood test and now have to wait 2 weeks for the results.

Even though we are still considered low risk, this still freaked me out a little on Friday. I did some research online, and my friend spoke with his sister who's an OB.  Apparently the swollen kidneys is pretty common.  My friend's sister mentioned that there's debate in the OB world to even associate this with DS or not since it's so common and more likely than not becomes nothing.  The debate is also about how much information to give to be parents.  Since technology is so advanced now, they see so much, and often stress soon to be moms (which obviously not great for baby or mom).

 I'm sorry this is more a little "dear diary" but thought that I'd share our experience so that if anyone else is going thru this, try not to stress.  I had one day of freak out, some ice cream therapy, and am trying to not stress for me or baby.  At this point it sounds like it's more common and might not be anything. 

They even addressed this on "Married to Medicine" on bravo last night (yes, new guilty pleasure).  

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