August 2013 Moms

Scared All the Time!

Before I was pregnant, I was a little bit of a hypochondriac.  I was always sure something was wrong and freaked out whenever I got a call from my doctor - even something as routine as confirming an appointment would take a few years of my life :)

Fast forward and, HOLY MOLY, is pregnancy rough!  I'm scared about every little thing!  Twinge in stomach?  Something's wrong.  Isolated spotting?  Something's very wrong.  The two together?  Doom.

I wish I was capable of just enjoying this time, but I'm so paranoid!  It doesn't help that we had a very scary false alarm at the 18 Anatomy U/S.  It ended up being nothing major (the U/S tech made an error that sent us to an emergency level II U/S where we also had a fetal echo), but now... augh.  Just bundles upon bundles of nerves.

Does anyone have anything they do to remind themselves that it'll all be okay?  Or does anyone just relate?  

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