August 2013 Moms

Almost passing out?

Disclaimer...I will be calling my OB first thing tomorrow. I just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this or had the medical knowledge to give me a clue as to what is wrong. I am 22 weeks tomorrow.

This morning in church, I was standing to sing ONE song and got so dizzy and light headed. I started to pass out, so I sat down and drank some water. All was fine after that.

Yesterday, we were at BRU starting our registry. About halfway through, same thing. I got hot, clammy and light headed. I went to sit in the gliders and made DH go buy me some juice from the front of the store.

This happened 1 other time at church while I was sitting down.

At all of my appointments, my BP is always totally normal. I am on Synthroid to regulate an under active thyroid that was discovered at the beginning of this pregnancy.

Thanks for reading this long post and for the advice!
Happy Easter!!!
AmyBeth BabyFruit Ticker
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