August 2013 Moms

Work related

I was offered a new job yesterday hooray! And have decided to accept it. It's going to be better hours ::currently work 1 to 11pm:: and also solve our daycare situation while allowing me to be close to LO all day. BUT. I'm dreading talking to my current boss. She had no idea I was looking, and I know it's going to be a bit of a scramble for her to fill my spot. me come up with a script or offer some words of encouragement? This was my first "big girl" job out of college, and while I'm good at it and find it very rewarding most days, it's just not going to work with having a young family. I won't see her until Wednesday to start, and I know I'm going to be obsessing over the next 3 days. Gah! This decision was supposed to relieve some stress, not cause more!
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