August 2013 Moms

NBR: So sad for my daughter

My older daughter just found out that her cat has a month or 2 to live:(  She has had him since she was 10 (a gift from my mother who passed away) and he is now 14 years old.  He started drooling really bad about 3 weeks ago.  We looked at his teeth and didn't see any obvious abcess.  We didn't take him to a vet because he is as energetic as always, he even killed a mouse last week, and his appetite is very strong.  Actually stronger than normal...he has been very aggressive in trying to steal our food suddenly.

I decided to google yesterday and saw that it could indicate liver failure so I told her to go to her vet.  I guess when we looked at his teeth, we never looked at the roof of his mouth...he has a HUGE mass/growth on the roof of his mouth.  Like it looks like a human tongue almost.  They took him in the back and it goes so far down his throat that the doctor doesn't know where it ends.  He said any removal would just grow back and there was nothing they can do.  And it was too large to completely remove.  He gave him 2 months tops:(

My heart is broken for her.  She is so attached to him...she can't stop crying.  I just can't grasp that he is dying.  He is acting like he is fine!!  I am so afraid he is going to slowly  suffocate as this mass grows.  I am taking him to my vet for a second opinion.  I just can't accept there is nothing they can do.  I have no problem spending money on my animals, but obviously there is a limit to what I will spend if they say it is cancerous and has spread, or it will just grow back in a couple months, being that he is almost 15 years old.  But if they think there is a chance they can remove some and it will not grow back, I want to try.  The first doctor didn't do a biopsy or anything, which leads me to believe it is terminal.  I feel like they would have at least tried to "upsell" services if they thought they could save him.

It just breaks my heart to see my daughter so devastated:(

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