August 2013 Moms

US rage!!

So I fell at work and I felt ok, no spotting or cramping. Let my OB know anyways and she insisted I go in for an US just to check things out. So kind!!! My DH was stuck at work and I was alright with that. I just made it EXTREMELY CLEAR to the tech I didn't want to know the gender without my hubs there. Even my parents are going to come to town for my AS in a couple weeks so we can all find out together. So the tech is checking things out, and I'm totally relieved that to trauma was caused by my fall and baby looks awesome!! Then, he just blurts it out, AND THERE'S THE PENIS. Are you out of your mind, sir??? I shot him the most evil look I could through my teary eyes. He realized he let it slip and was totally apologetic. I don't even understand how he could have made a mistake like that when the whole time I was chatting about waiting to find out til I wasn't by my freaking self. He can't take that back. It's done. It happened. So mad right now, I don't know what to do. I feel like pretending I didn't hear that and just be surprised again later. Ahhhh!
Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.
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