August 2013 Moms

STM's: The "afterbirth"

Hi Ladies,

i watched a birthing video not long ago mainly out of curiosity. Watching the baby being born was surprisingly easy to watch and quite amazing. Then came the afterbirth... That was something else!!  Almost wish I would have hit the pause button after the baby came because I definitely was not prepared. LOL.

Anyhow, speaking with women in general, the whole afterbirth isn't something that is discussed. So I thought this may be a good place to bring it up. 

FTM here and I am just curious about it. Are you aware that the afterbirth is going on?  Or are you so caught up in the moment at you don't notice?  Is there pushing required?  Does it hurt?  Etc... 

I do plan on talking to my OB and taking a birth class but I would like to hear about it from you ladies (for those willing to share). 


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