August 2013 Moms

Argument with DH over DS waking up during night . .

honest thoughts appreciated. .

So DS has been a bit congested with a runny/stuffy nose. The past 2-3 nights he woke up at about midnight because of it. After a few minutes of trying to console him he is still crying, half way asleep. DH decides to take the easy way out and ask him if he wants to watch TV. TV at midnight for a 2 year old who is clearly just tired/uncomfortable due to congestion. Now of course I try to change the subject and get him back to sleep. But he heard daddy say TV and of course he is crying for that now.

Am I wrong to tell DH that he should not have done that and is taking the easy way out? Then of course he is irritated with me and takes DS downstairs to watch TV. I was livid. Am I wrong here ? ? 

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