August 2013 Moms

For my plus sized mommas

I know the weight topic has been discussed, however, I was curious since I hadn't been gaining much weight at all, I looked up where I should be given my prepregnancy weight and how far along I am.  Turns out I'm still 2 lbs under the minimum weight gain recommended.  I've been so concerned with gaining too much that I guess it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be gaining enough.  My OB hasn't said anything weight related so far so I just assumed everything was good (I plan to bring it up on Friday at my next appointment) and so far the baby's been measuring right on schedule and occasionally a couple of days ahead so I assume the baby is getting all he/she needs.  I'm not exactly concerned, I just want to make sure I'm being as healthy as possible for this lil lady/fella.  My mom had the same problem when she was pregnant with me (the story is she actually lost about 20-30 lbs throughout the pregnancy), and I was born at just over 8 lbs.

Anyone else in this boat?  

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