August 2013 Moms

Mind your business, not every pregnancy is the same!

Ugh!!! My best friend had her baby last August the same day I am due and she keeps telling me you are right on track with me, my doctor said to do this and not to do that. Ummm last time I checked you had an almost two week difference with a later due date and have a kidney diesease that limits a lot of what u could eat and do while u were preggers, oh and u got put on work leave almost a month early because u are stressed out person who doesn't exercise or do any physical activity and tried buying a new house getting married and taking on a stepdaughter all within a few months time. I on the other hand got married well before i was pregnant not judging just know it is stressful enough let alone while u are pregnant, am very active and have zero health problems and was told by my doctor that all of my normal activities and ercercises are fine to continue unless I start to feel tired, over heated or am in any pain. I think that being said I will listen to my doctor and just continue to treat this pregnancy as my own. I know the risks of over exertion and won't put my self in that situation, but I am not going to act as though I am unable to fend for myself. I know when to stop or ask for help if I need it. Mind your business my pregnancy is my own, if I need advice I will ask.

Sorry about the ranting, I took all I could take today and it's not even noon...
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