August 2013 Moms

I thought it was going to be fun..

My cousin and I found out we were expecting around the same time (I'm about 7 weeks ahead) At first I was excited to have someone so close to share the experience with, as well as having the babies grow up together.

I'm still excited for the babies, but I have to admit the pregnancy thing isn't exactly fun for me.

I'm constantly being told how I should do things, what I should do when the baby is born ect.. We're both FTM so this is driving my absolutely crazy.

Example: I said I wanted to have a natural birth, everything permitting. Her response was "why? dont you want to have the most enjoyable experience you can, blah blah" Not even a month later she says to me "I've decided to have a natural birth, I really think you should look into it and inform yourself of the benefits" What?!

I am all for differing opinions, and parenting styles but I don't think its to much to ask for my decisons to be respected as well. I feel like I constantly have to defend myself. I have mentioned this many times directly to her, and nothing changes!!

Sorry, I know this is long.. just annoyed.

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