August 2013 Moms

Hand me down items

I've read in so many places not to go with hand me down items for anything that is safety related - crib, car seat, stroller, etc. We just recently had someone offer us a car seat which BF is very interested in getting. He said that other mom is even more neurotic than I am (how sweet :) so we dont need to be worried. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with a used car seat but really its just b/c of what I've read online and in books. We don't need to borrow the car seat to save money.

What would you do? 

Lilypie Maternity tickers

BabyFruit Ticker

2011 BFP ended in miscarriage at 8w1d

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
-Henry David Thoreau

I am Bumping from my phone so please forgive typos, brevity and know that I can't see your siggys.
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