August 2013 Moms

HR Meeting Today

Good morning ladies.. I could really use some insight before my HR meeting in a few hours to discuss my maternity leave. This is all so new to me, I think my plan is good but I guess I could use some reassurance or suggestions for anyone who as BTDT or is currently figuring it out.

My due date is August 8th.. I know baby could come in July or she could come later in August. So I hate the idea of starting my leave any earlier than my due date but I equally hate the idea of working until I go into labor. I'm the director of an afterschool program and the summer program is very different than the school year. Longer days and more time spent outside in the heat.

So I'm going in today with the plan of starting my maternity leave on my due date. I will double check today but I think I only have a week paid vacation because I just started the job in January, so I was thinking of taking a paid week off from August 1st to 8th then starting my leave on the 8th. I'm hoping that this way I don't end up home on leave for any more than a few days, if even, before baby is born.

I'm not positive if my leave will be 8 or 12 weeks, I'll find that out today, but obviously I want to spend as much time as home with her as I can before going back to work.

Also we do field trips every Wednesday during the summer and I am going to see if I can either have Wednesdays off or work from the office because I can't see myself 8 basically 9 months pregnant on a hot sweaty school bus. Thats a reasonable request right? Would anyone here feel the same if that was part of their job?

ETA I didn't realize how long this was. TIA to anyone who offers advice to my paranoid self!
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