August 2013 Moms

Gross creeper vent

Ugh ok there is a guy at work that will not leave me alone for anything and keeps making strange comments about my pregnancy. For example, a lightbulb needed changing and I couldn't so it since you have to get on a ladder I went to him and said "hey I need you to change a light since I can't use the ladder" and instead of just saying ok he said in that really creepy tone some people use when babytalking to children "well of course you can't because of the little girl growing inside you!" Just the way he said it made me cringe and then he mentioned the other day that hubs and I should make the baby agree not to have sex before she is 20, which I thought was so creepy that he would even think something like that much less say it to me when I bearly know him so I told him to back off and called the supervisor to tell her he was making me uncomfortable but it just hasn't stopped. Yesterday my allergies were bothering me and I mentioned to someone in his earshot that I was frustrated with my stuffy nose and he came up to me as goes "well aren't you just a little trooper". Then today he followed me as I was locking up, even after I told him he was needed in the main building, and I went in one door to a smaller building with two exits to set the building alarms and since he had followed me to the one door I went out the other, when he saw me he goes "well you are a crafty little thing" and I lost it, I told him I could not make it any more obvious that I am not only not interested in him but five months pregnant and very happily married to a former bouncer with a black belt and arms about as thick as most men's thighs, and if he kept bothering me he would be able to find that out for himself! Then I called my supervisor again to let her know that he was still making inappropriate comments after she and I and another man I work with that overheard him talking about me and was concerned had all told him to leave me alone, I had to leave her a message since she had gone for the day but when I got home and told my husband what had happened again he suggested filing sexual harassment charges against him. I need to look into that, I don't know if this falls under sexual harassment or not, I would assume it does. Has anyone else had to deal with creepers since getting pregnant? I feel like they are coming out of the woodwork here.
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