August 2013 Moms

Car accident ruined my day!

This is me needing to vent! I was having a pretty decent day until right before leaving work a co worker complained to me that she thinks I talk to loud. What the heck! I spend 8 hrs a day yelling at my 90 year old pts because they can't hear a work I'm saying and to too it off I can't hear a damn thing because I'm all stopped up with head and nasal congestion! So freaking sorry that I was still talking to loud for you. Uggg! Then to ad insult to injury, I got rear ended on my way home from work. Got all checked out and baby is fine, I am fine but my car is not so fine! The guy really cornholed me! To top it off, he Spoke no english, had no papers, no license, no insurance. It was a big mess! the guy kept trying to leave, and at one point tried to drive off, hitting my car again!Sorry this was so long, but I needed to vent.
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