August 2013 Moms

Showers - WWYD?

This is our first baby.  My partner and I come from very different backgrounds.  I was raised with strict rules around etiquette of showers, weddings, etc...  She was not.  Her family lives far away but my family is within an hour away and is throwing us a large mostly family shower.  She would really like another shower for her/our friends to attend.  Most of our friends do not have babies (nor do they want them) so throwing us a shower would probably be the last thing on their mind.  I am perfectly happy with not having another shower, but for some reason she thinks her friends will really want to attend a shower.  My family is very generous, so the second shower she wants to have would not be a reason to get gifts.  I was taught it is a huge no-no to throw yourself a shower, and even worse to ask someone to throw you one.  What would you do if it was very important to your significant other to have another shower but nobody had offered to throw you one?  Would you just not have one (my vote)?  Let the significant ask their friend to throw one but offer to have it at your house (this is what she wants)?  Or maybe just have a general non shower party to celebrate the arrival of a new baby?  Any other ideas?
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Me:35, Using frozen donor sperm. 2009-2010 - several non-medicated "at home" frozen donor sperm cycles = BFN
IUIs 1-3 in 2010 = BFN
4/2012: IUI #4 w/ new RE = BFP Missed m/c due to turner syndrome at 9 weeks, discovered at 12 weeks 3 days on 6/21/12. :(
Summer 2012 IUI 5 & 6 = BFN.
Was planning on moving onto IVF but insurance is requiring 3 injectable IUI rounds.
11/12/2012 - IUI #7 75 gonal-f cd3-12 + trigger. = BFP on Thanksgiving!
Beta 1 at 14dpo = 261 Beta 2 at 16dpo = 639 Good NT scan and Negative MaterniT21 test. It's a boy!
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